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The Lyon County Sheriff's Office Investigations Division is comprised of three divisions Major Crimes, Special Investigations Unit, and the Deputy Coroner. The Investigations Division now consists of seven sworn staff. Each division is outlined further below and yearly statistics can be found in the Lyon County Sheriff's Office Annual Report.

Major Crimes Division:
The majority of investigations conducted by Major Crimes Division are Felony Investigations and are assigned to the Investigations Division by each patrol area. Many arrests have been made stemming from these investigations. 

Special Investigations:
The Special Investigation Unit (SIU) is responsible for the covert investigation of narcotics, Internet Crimes Against Children, vice offenses and the collection, analysis and dissemination of criminal intelligence. They are also used in any investigation which requires the use of an undercover officers.

Coroner Division: 
The Deputy Coroner Division consists of one Deputy Coroner who is responsible for overseeing all Coroner Investigations completed within Lyon County.  The Deputy Coroner position covers the requirements of Coroner Investigations. This includes next of kin notification, contacting numerous Doctors, scheduling extremal examinations and autopsies with the Washoe County Medical Examiner's Office, coordinating with funeral homes, and coordinating organ donations. 

"The Lyon County Sheriff’s Department rocks! [They have] one of the best [homicide] clearance records in the nation!"
- Thomas Hargrove
Founder & Chairman of


Emergency: 911

Non-Emergency: (775) 463-6620

Sheriff's Office: (775) 463-6600

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Lyon County Sheriff's Office

911 Harvey Way #1

Yerington, NV 89447

(775) 463-6600


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